AmigaActive (1714/2143)

From:Clyde Hannan
Date:26 May 2000 at 13:14:31
Subject:Re: Mil Spec was Re: More PS2 Madness

Don Cox wrote:
> On 24-May-00, Eddie Moore wrote:

> > His latest
> > project, for example, involves an inter-schools robotics championship,
> > and the software that is used is - you've guessed it -PeeCee only B-(

> You can at least explain to him that real robots run on QNX.
> (And lots of other OSes, but certainly not Windows or Amiga.)

Unless you mean that it's one of those new robot kits made by Lego with that
sorta flash-rom thingy. Afaik the software to programme it is PC-only, and then
you download the programme to the robot's control box.

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